

Date: December 29, 2023

The project "ADVANCED MONITORING AND METERING SYSTEM FOR ENERGY CONSUMPTION REDUCTION AT GREENTECH SA," funded by Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, SMIS code 2014+ 158392, has been implemented by GREENTECH SA, with a total value of 1,168,934.55 lei, of which 853,433.90 lei represents non-repayable financing, consisting of 128,015.08 lei eligible non-repayable value from the national budget and 725,418.82 lei eligible non-repayable value from FEDR.

The Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 is implemented nationwide by the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, as the Managing Authority, and regionally by the Regional Infrastructure Directorate.

The general objective of the project is to reduce energy consumption by implementing an energy consumption monitoring system within GREENTECH SA.

Thus, by implementing the monitoring system proposed by the project, the company will be able to efficiently apply measures to improve energy efficiency. In the event that the company benefits from non-repayable European funds, it will achieve savings of 240 MW for electricity and 335 MWh for natural gas, within a 5-year period from the signing of the commissioning protocol of the application.

According to the results of the analysis carried out for the reference year 2021, indicator 255 had a value of 116.85 kgep/1,000 euros, according to information from the Total Energy Consumption Declaration submitted to the Ministry of Energy - Energy Efficiency Directorate, and attached to the funding documentation. Following the implementation of the technical solution proposed by this project, an energy intensity of 116.11 kgep/1,000 euros is estimated. In this context, compared to the reference year 2021, there is an optimization of indicator 255 by 0.74 kgep/1,000 euros, respectively, 0.63%. This saving can be achieved within five years from the completion of the implementation of the energy consumption monitoring system. The estimated production value expressed in thousand euros is 66,696.5 thousand euros, calculated at the InforEuro exchange rate in the month prior to the submission of the funding application - 4.9189.

Implemented project results include:

  • 1 press release announcing the start published in a newspaper
  • 1 press release announcing the end published in a newspaper
  • 1 A3 poster - displayed prominently
  • 1 signed SF elaboration contract
  • 1 SF elaboration contract fulfilled
  • 1 consultancy contract for funding application submission, signed
  • 1 consultancy contract for funding application submission, fulfilled
  • 50 stickers applied
  • 1 signed project management contract
  • 1 project management contract fulfilled
  • 1 signed financial audit contract
  • 1 financial audit contract fulfilled
  • 1 signed monitoring system supply contract
  • 1 monitoring system supply contract fulfilled
  • 1 functional UP (User Portal)

Project location

The project was implemented in the Municipality of Buzău, Strada Aleea Industriilor, No. 17, Buzău County, between December 21, 2023, and December 31, 2023, including the period of project activities before signing the Financing Contract, if applicable.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.

"Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020."

Project Name: "Advanced Monitoring and Metering System for Energy Consumption Reduction at GREENTECH SA" SMIS Code: 2014+ 158392; Call Code: POIM 6.2./Energy Consumption Reduction at Industrial Consumers Level; Implementation Date: December 29, 2023.

Contact details

Contact person's name: Ionel Păncescu

Position: Energy Manager

Tel: 0727777879


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3 410 621.710
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